пятница, 21 ноября 2008 г.

Sacred Writing.


He looked at her with the eyes full of tears and said:"I don't know what i must say now, I'm so afraid of being wrong and been wrong understood, but I love you". She suffocated and swept. She wanted to jump from her wheelchair nad hug him but it was impossible." Jack, please, you should't... You know, that I'm inva...",she paused," disable. You can't love me.You must live your own life and not spend your time for me!" She finished ready to lose concesness. At that moment he kneeled in front of her and said:" Jane, look at me...Show me your wonderful eyes full of despair and desire to live and to be happy, the eyes which have the courage,the strength and the wisdom of the whole world, your pure blue eyes...those eyes which I fell in love for the first sight..."

Maybe, that was identity?

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