пятница, 21 ноября 2008 г.

Afternoon Pages.

What is happiness for you and what do you need to be happy?

Somebody may think, that happiness is the "situation" when you have everything and do not need anything more. But I don't think so. For me, happiness could be a union of freedom, love and wind.
I can speak about happiness for hours, for days, for years... I can say, that happiness is the smallest event in our life and it mustn't last for a lond time, because it won't be happiness anyway. I also can say that I was happy once and I know that it will never repeat. But I show you two pictures which can show you few of my thoughts.
Have you ever seen the film "Pride and Prejudice". If you have, you must remember the moment when Elizabeth Bennet stands on the edge of the rock and the amazing view of green hills stretches in front of her,the wind plays with her hair, she enjoys the sence of being free. That is freedom me.
I don't need much to be happy. A small little cosy house in New Zealand, which will stand between ocean, lush green hills and high mountains.

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