пятница, 21 ноября 2008 г.

Sacred Writing.

First money which I've earned.

To tell the truth it's hard to remember the getting of my first money, I guess, it was in my early childhood,and parents gave it to me like the pocket money.
But I can remember the first money for something that I've done by myself. It happened when I was 15. One of my mother's friend asked me to translate several texts in English for her brother and I agreed. I've spent 2 or 3 evenings for its' translation and by the end of my work I was given 3 hundred rubles and a box of candies. Honestly, I didn't expect such gratitude,because I also did it for myself. those text were very interesting: they told about the lives of famouse writers' and scientists'.It was some kind of practice for me.
So, that's how I was given lots of pleasure and plenty of money.

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