среда, 11 марта 2009 г.

The book which has taught me a lot.

Since I was 3, I had learnt how to read and did it every free second of my life. I have read a lot of books, many of them were wonderful, others not so interesting, but I never gave up reading them, I always try to read them till the end. I can’t say, that I have only one favorite book, there are several of them: “Gone with the wind” by M. Mitchell, “Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakhov, “Three comrades” by E.M. Remark. My favorite writers are Chuck Palahniuk and Irvine Welsh and I adore everything that they create, their books have taught me a lot, but there is one book, which impressed me so much that I will never forget it. It’s “The Thorn Birds” by Colleen McCullough.
When I was 14, my mother advised me to read this book, and I wouldn’t regret. This is the story about family, about people’s relationship and, of course, about great love. I’m not going to retell you the plot, I want to explain why it has impressed me so much. The main character Meghann "Meggie" Cleary was unhappy in her love, but strong-willed and intelligent woman. Through all her life she bore her burden: she was in love with a priest; she understood clearly that there was no chance for them to be together, but went on living regardless of what people were saying and thinking about it. She had lost 2 of her brothers, a father and a son whom she loved so much, had an unlucky marriage, but still had a strong desire for living. Nothing could make her despair, nothing could change her character, nothing could stop her either God or society, nothing could kill her. And when I start thinking about this woman’s fate, I just can’t believe that such kind of people exists. When something goes wrong in my life, I remember this character and smile, it turns over in my mind that whatever happens you must be strong…you can’t gave in!
Moreover, there is one more thought which appears in this book. This woman went on living waiting for only one and the most happy moment – the moment of intimacy with the man whom she loved very much. She was waiting for it for ages. And when the time had come, she forgot about everything and fell into this maelstrom. That’s why this book had this name - “The Thorn Birds”. It is about desperate people who are able to live till the moment of absolute happiness and beauty…
So do I. I exist till the moment of truth and will live inspite of wars, starvation and disaster. I will go through fire and water, go through thick and thin and nothing will stop me.
That was the main idea why this book has taught me a lot.

7 комментариев:

Людмила комментирует...

You were absolutely right:"Live and never give in." This is exactly those rules that help to overcome at the first sight dead-end-situations. Like you I adore the main hero Meggie, I think that there are no such people at present. Her great love a strong will deserve adornment and proud. I would like to be like Meggie, a woman of the biggest heart and the strongest desire to live and get that very one moment with your man...

Zara комментирует...

Well, to tell the truth after reading your essay I think I will read this book. I agree with you that there aren't such strong people in our world like the main hero, well may be there are, but I didn't meet such. In my opinion it is positive book, because the hero got what she was expected for the whole her life and we should do the same.

Евгения комментирует...

Actually, I haven't read this book, but I watched the film long time ago. Sasha's interpritation of the polt seems very interesting because of her acception of the main character. As the main character of the book, she is strong-willed and stubborn, and she is the person who always continues doing what she wants dispite of the bands.

Elena Soukhoverkova комментирует...

Unfortunately I haven't read this book yet, but stories about people with strong characters who try their best to survive despite anything are always very fascinating. No doubt that this book influenced you a lot, as we can see that you are a very strong person, you have personal traits of a fighter and I can't remember a situation in which you ever gave in.
I was impressed by your composition and now I'm looking forward to read this book too.

Irina Demidenko комментирует...

You know,while I was reading Sasha's comment the lines from Queen's song "Show must Go On" crossed my mind: "Inside my soul is breaking, my make up on my face, but my smile still stays on.." I support Sasha's point about living regardless some problems,difficult situations that appear from time to time in our life. In this world one should be strong to survive. One should enjoy every minute you're living inspite of the fact it's sad or merry, you should appreciate it and learn a lesson from every situation you face with.

Ira комментирует...

I think it is a very interesting book. We can see how women can love and also keep and save her love throuh all her life.She is a strong willed person and nowdays it is very difficult to find people like this.

Ira комментирует...
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