вторник, 10 марта 2009 г.

Afternoon pages.

What does the parental care mean for you? Are there any words which you desire to tell your parents but are unable to do for some reasons?

Actually, it's not that thing which I like to talk about or discuss. my family relationship used to be private. I don't want, but I must.
Thus parental care has been important for me the whole my life. I am one of those rebelious children who (to tell the truth) fed up with it. And I understand, that even when I get married and have children, my mother won't stop caring and looking after me, aand also teaching me, what I hate the most.
What concerns the words I want to tell my parents...I don't know, they are always "thanxes"...Thanks for giving me birth, for taking care of me, for teaching me how to live. But the most important "thanks" is for my mother for her strong-willing, for her strong character which was her present for me. And her wonderful words: "Sasha, you made me happy!"

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