вторник, 24 марта 2009 г.

Is Platonic Love the Same Kind of Feelings and Relations as Frienship?

The term amor platonicus was coined as early as the 15th century by the Florentine scholar Marsilio Ficino as a synonym for amor socraticus. Platonic love in this original sense of the term is examined in Plato's dialogue Symposium, which has as its topic the subject of love or Eros generally.
Now Wikipedia gives this definition:"Platonic love (Latin: amor platonicus) is a deep and spiritual connection between two individuals: within such a relationship there does not exist any form of sexual connection or sexual elements."
What concerns me, I didn't suppose that platonic love has a meaning of friendship, because it contains a word "love". I'm sure that both words have something in common, but they are different anyway. I can't understand why should somebody invent such term for the definition of "strong frienship". For me, platonic love is more than frienship, it's highly close relationship, when people feel and understand each other without words, they don't need any explanations, they don't have any negotiations...and they also don't need any sexual relations. I'm absolutely happy to tell, that I have such "platonic lover" and enjoy him very much and hope, that I will never lose him. We call each other "mother" and "father". Sometimes this relationship brings happyness, sometimes - relief, they can make us better, they can lessen our selfishness and start thinking about anybody exept you.

среда, 18 марта 2009 г.

Sacred Writing

Is sex for the sake of sex without any relationship commitment possible?

The questions are rather complicated. To tell the truth, I'm afraid of been wrong understood, but I think that sex without any relationship is possible. Because we are all people and sometimes we have such strong desire of intimacy that we can't stop it anyway. And there are such situations when we don't want to have any relationship, but just satisfy our physical needs. If you don't love person you have to explain to him or her that we are all free to do what we want. Thus, I guess that my point of view is obvious. Sex is always possible, of course, if it is safe and by consent.

среда, 11 марта 2009 г.

Afternoon Pages.

Why does Emma regret about her wedding? Have you ever regretted about anything you have done?

I think, Emma wasn't such kind of woman who saw the sence of her life in a marriage. She was afraid of losting herself, she doubted whetether she made the right choice, her free life has stopped by that day and nothing could be turned back.
What concerns me, of course, like many people in the world, I had regreted about some of my actions. It sometimes happened. But now I can remember the most strange and contraversional regret. I was regretted about my first love. I wish I never did this. Sure, it was because of the pain I've got. And, moreover, it was just a moment of regret. After a while, the pain had lessened and I remembered only wonderful and happy moments of this love.... So, I think, it's no worth regretting about something good. Let's remember the people's wisdom: it's better to regret about what you have done than what you haven't done.

The book which has taught me a lot.

Since I was 3, I had learnt how to read and did it every free second of my life. I have read a lot of books, many of them were wonderful, others not so interesting, but I never gave up reading them, I always try to read them till the end. I can’t say, that I have only one favorite book, there are several of them: “Gone with the wind” by M. Mitchell, “Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakhov, “Three comrades” by E.M. Remark. My favorite writers are Chuck Palahniuk and Irvine Welsh and I adore everything that they create, their books have taught me a lot, but there is one book, which impressed me so much that I will never forget it. It’s “The Thorn Birds” by Colleen McCullough.
When I was 14, my mother advised me to read this book, and I wouldn’t regret. This is the story about family, about people’s relationship and, of course, about great love. I’m not going to retell you the plot, I want to explain why it has impressed me so much. The main character Meghann "Meggie" Cleary was unhappy in her love, but strong-willed and intelligent woman. Through all her life she bore her burden: she was in love with a priest; she understood clearly that there was no chance for them to be together, but went on living regardless of what people were saying and thinking about it. She had lost 2 of her brothers, a father and a son whom she loved so much, had an unlucky marriage, but still had a strong desire for living. Nothing could make her despair, nothing could change her character, nothing could stop her either God or society, nothing could kill her. And when I start thinking about this woman’s fate, I just can’t believe that such kind of people exists. When something goes wrong in my life, I remember this character and smile, it turns over in my mind that whatever happens you must be strong…you can’t gave in!
Moreover, there is one more thought which appears in this book. This woman went on living waiting for only one and the most happy moment – the moment of intimacy with the man whom she loved very much. She was waiting for it for ages. And when the time had come, she forgot about everything and fell into this maelstrom. That’s why this book had this name - “The Thorn Birds”. It is about desperate people who are able to live till the moment of absolute happiness and beauty…
So do I. I exist till the moment of truth and will live inspite of wars, starvation and disaster. I will go through fire and water, go through thick and thin and nothing will stop me.
That was the main idea why this book has taught me a lot.

вторник, 10 марта 2009 г.

Afternoon pages.

What does the parental care mean for you? Are there any words which you desire to tell your parents but are unable to do for some reasons?

Actually, it's not that thing which I like to talk about or discuss. my family relationship used to be private. I don't want, but I must.
Thus parental care has been important for me the whole my life. I am one of those rebelious children who (to tell the truth) fed up with it. And I understand, that even when I get married and have children, my mother won't stop caring and looking after me, aand also teaching me, what I hate the most.
What concerns the words I want to tell my parents...I don't know, they are always "thanxes"...Thanks for giving me birth, for taking care of me, for teaching me how to live. But the most important "thanks" is for my mother for her strong-willing, for her strong character which was her present for me. And her wonderful words: "Sasha, you made me happy!"