четверг, 2 октября 2008 г.

If I would be an actress, I would be shot in the film “Fight Club”.

When I was a child, I dreamed about Hollywood, billions of dollars and actress career, like every girl. My first choice was the film “Titanic”, but I changed my mind. I thought very carefully what character I would like to play and understood that it’s Marla Zinger from one of my favorite films “Fight Club”.
I felt in love with this character when firstly read a book. In film her role is acted by Helena Boghnem Carter. I think that the director’s choice was exactly right because this actress played excellent. And maybe she didn’t play, she just lived.
I like “Marla Zinger”, because she is crazy, independent and fearless. Also she is quite strange, she doesn’t think about people’s opinion, she hates everything and laughs at the life. She doesn’t afraid of death. I believe, we have a lot in common. And for me it would be so exiting to show to audience the example of independent, obstinate but loving woman.
Moreover, who can be against of working with such men like Bred Pitt and Edward Norton? They are wonderful actors and also handsome men.
Finally, this film shows us the idea of the freedom. For me the freedom is the most important thing in the life, that’s why I choose this film.

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