воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

Afternoon pages.

What does the word "plastic surgery" mean for you?

For me plastic surgery is a way of harming yourself. I don't understand people who do it to prolong beauty and stay young. At first, it's very dangerous and can bring terriable consequances. Secondly, it can look unnaturally and be the reason of being talked about. I don't believe that plastic surgery can save a marriage, like it's showed in the text. There's aslo something else and if there wasn't any love, nothing could save you from the divorce.
As for me, I would never do this, because I enjoy everything natural. But I won't ever judge my relative or friend if plastic surgery is made in case of emergency. I don't understand Pamela Anderson and the men who admire her. I think, women who follow her example are "stupid chikens". Because for men there's nothing more wonderful than natural beauty. Of course, if they are normal.
I've read yesterday that there are 3 plastic surgery operation a day in the USA. Do you think it's a good way of changing your life? Eat more fruit, do exercises and love yourself. Please, stop thinking that it's sexy and beautiful. I find 90% of women who did plastic surgery ugly.

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