воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

Aftrenoon Pages.

What is attractiveness for you?

Attractiveness has always been important in people's lives. Everybody wants to be beautiful and attracts others. But sometimes there's nothing more than visual beauty. It happens when we have an aversion for very pretty person.
For me, the most important attractiveness is hidden in person's soul. I like independent and simple peolpe, who don't care about what others think about them, who are not afraid of been discussed. What concerns features, I found out that I like boys who have blue eyes and only blue and then everything depends on character.
We feel attractiveness inside our heads or hearts - whether we like person or not.

Sacred Writing

If I could invent something, what it would be?

If I could invent something, I would invent the medicine that could save the Humanity from AIDS. Nowadays, this problem is very popular. Scientist and doctors have been looking for  it's decision for ages. But it needs time.
We are losing lots of lives every day. Nobody is saved from this desease, even Hollywood stars, famous musicians, artists, writers and VIPs. Almost 500 millions of people extremely need this medecine. People suffer, they die. I believe, that it would be able to stop their pain. I always feel sorry for them, and for me there would no more happiness than invention of the medicine for AIDS.

Afternoon pages.

What does the word "plastic surgery" mean for you?

For me plastic surgery is a way of harming yourself. I don't understand people who do it to prolong beauty and stay young. At first, it's very dangerous and can bring terriable consequances. Secondly, it can look unnaturally and be the reason of being talked about. I don't believe that plastic surgery can save a marriage, like it's showed in the text. There's aslo something else and if there wasn't any love, nothing could save you from the divorce.
As for me, I would never do this, because I enjoy everything natural. But I won't ever judge my relative or friend if plastic surgery is made in case of emergency. I don't understand Pamela Anderson and the men who admire her. I think, women who follow her example are "stupid chikens". Because for men there's nothing more wonderful than natural beauty. Of course, if they are normal.
I've read yesterday that there are 3 plastic surgery operation a day in the USA. Do you think it's a good way of changing your life? Eat more fruit, do exercises and love yourself. Please, stop thinking that it's sexy and beautiful. I find 90% of women who did plastic surgery ugly.

Sacred Writing


What is change? When something becomes different and loses it's previous condition, it changes.
People always change, life changes, the weather changes. It brings something new in our lives, it lets us not dying from boredom. It's always important because we would have nothing to do with ourselves if nothing happens. And, of course, it's also important, because changes often bring us happyness, for example - falling in love, changing a haircut or a place of living. We must have changing to feel more interesting and unpredictable emotions. 

четверг, 9 октября 2008 г.

Afternoon pages.

What is luck, in your opinion, a pure accident or it depends only on you?

The question to discuss is very interesting and, to be honest, is very difficult.
I will try to speak from my own experience. I can't say that I'm a lucky person, actually, I've always thought that I'm a loser. But sometimes I meet with luck and feel happy.
For oneself luck can be the result of his\her efforts, for others it's just  a game of fortune. I think, that luck is a pure accident, because I can't call my might " a magic". Luck should come unexpectedly and bring lots of positive emotions. I'm not fatalistic but I believe, that it doesn't depend on someone's dids.

Sacred Writing

If you were to stay at a certain age for the rest of your life what age would you choose and why?

When I'm looking back at my life and remembering all that I've done, I understand that the happiest time was my childhood. Several days ago I was dreaming about getting back to school, doing Maths homework, playing a fool with my classmates, doing nothing at physics lessons, eating tasty pancakes in a dinning room.
I choose exactly this time because I don't know what it's going to be in my future.

четверг, 2 октября 2008 г.

A letter to a friend


September 18th

Dear John,

Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to reply but I’ve been really busy looking for a job and preparing for the classes in my university.
As you know, I’m a fourth year student of the Faculty of Linguistics and Cross-cultural Communication. So you can guess that I’ve been used to everything during these years. I thought so too. However, I was wrong. The expression of my first day of this year in the university was awful. As soon as I made a step on a porch, I started to hate all this stuff again. And it’s not because of I don’t like to study. I do like, you know. But the reason was that nothing had changed. Everything was the same like 3 years ago when I came here the very first time: dirty walls, burning dustbins, muttering crowd of smoking students, traffic jam, plenty of cars, small doors and dangerous ladders where you can come a cropper. It seemed so ugly. No independence, no individuality. I felt disappointed. Moreover, the first class was given by a teacher who seemed to us not very satisfied with the life. She taunted our brains the whole hour and a half, then gave impracticable assignment and left the room. I was able to burst into tears, I didn’t like everything at all, and “everything” didn’t like me. Thanks God things started to get better during the break. I was very glad to see my friends again and to learn their news, to remember our old jokes and to tell them about my vacations. Also I did like one of our new subject – ‘the History of Old English’. So now I’m really interested in studying it very carefully.
Maybe, one day I will discover…mmm…Excuse me, I’m dreaming too much :)
Anyway, what can I say about my first day? I understood only that I wasn’t ready to get new knowledge again. I still wanted to transform people’s boring lives into amusing holiday, to shock the public, to play the fool and do not worry about anything. But life is hard…thus I’m preparing to go through the 9 months of hard work.Well, that’s all about me for now.
And how are you getting on? How did you spend the first day at your university? Was your experience the same as mine or no?

Looking forward to hearing from you,  

If I would be an actress, I would be shot in the film “Fight Club”.

When I was a child, I dreamed about Hollywood, billions of dollars and actress career, like every girl. My first choice was the film “Titanic”, but I changed my mind. I thought very carefully what character I would like to play and understood that it’s Marla Zinger from one of my favorite films “Fight Club”.
I felt in love with this character when firstly read a book. In film her role is acted by Helena Boghnem Carter. I think that the director’s choice was exactly right because this actress played excellent. And maybe she didn’t play, she just lived.
I like “Marla Zinger”, because she is crazy, independent and fearless. Also she is quite strange, she doesn’t think about people’s opinion, she hates everything and laughs at the life. She doesn’t afraid of death. I believe, we have a lot in common. And for me it would be so exiting to show to audience the example of independent, obstinate but loving woman.
Moreover, who can be against of working with such men like Bred Pitt and Edward Norton? They are wonderful actors and also handsome men.
Finally, this film shows us the idea of the freedom. For me the freedom is the most important thing in the life, that’s why I choose this film.