среда, 13 мая 2009 г.

Sacred Writing.

Press or Bless.

During the whole year we were writing small articles on different themes and publishing them on our blogs. When we've heard about it at first time, everybody was confused, because it was quite a new task, someting that we had never done before. But as the time went on, we started to like it and come to classes with pleasure. We knew, that today we were going to do someting interesting.
Every topic for our writing was amazing. The teacher gave our minds a chance to fly away and think about very seriuos themes. Sometimes we were having fun writing about the thougts which came up first in our minds, sometimes we were sharing our secrets.
This opportunity gave me a lot. It made me think about such life questins which I have never been thinking about previously. And moreover, I had to do it in English. That was awesome. To my mind, Irina Alexandrovna shared a great idea with us. I hope, that it will be very useful to practice it in future with our pupils or students.

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