вторник, 12 мая 2009 г.

Masks we wear in our life.

These words resemble me the movie “Mask” with brilliant actor Jim Carrey. There was a crazy-looking professor, who wrote the book with this title “Masks we wear”. Of course, this sentence has a metaphorical meaning. It means that all the people in the world play different roles as the situation requires.
Even Shakespeare told, that life was a theatre and peoples were all actors in it. There is vast number of situations when we have to hide our emotions, put on “a mask” for not being identified. When we came to the university, we play in students and teachers, at home we are parents, children, wives and husbands, at work we can be employees or employers, in the company of friends we act absolutely different way. This is one kind of masks. There is also another side of the coin. We put masks when we lie, dissemble, exaggerate or minimize. When we don’t want somebody penetrates in our souls. When we want to create an impression on anybody…
But why do we do this? It is much easier to stay who you are and not hide your face under a “mask”. The answer is rather complicated and lies down somewhere very deep in our minds. May be, we don’t know who we are in reality? I prefer to stay myself everytime, because for me wearing a mask is a deception of your own. If you are honest with youself, you are honest with the rest of the world.

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