понедельник, 22 июня 2009 г.

" I am the Passenger and I ride and I ride..."

After two weeks of every-year depression unconquerable desire to escape from the town ate me. To the village! To the village! Every single kilometr from the town I understood how wonderful can be life, I started to smile looking at quaint clouds. As far I drove from dust and noise of " glass and concrete" as better I felt. I realize that I can't breathe freely among fence. Could you imagine the volume of freedom when you are standing in the middle of the field of flowers, listening the buzzing of bees and dragonflies? Only you and nature.
Now I know how important to feel the unity between you and the other world. And I finally know what to do and how to cope with it.

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В воскресенье тоже ездил за город, совершенно схожие чувства: будто бы времени там совсем нет. Запах сельских магазинов, видимо, ничуть не изменился за последние лет тридцать — заходишь и словно там до сих пор продают сок в трёхлитровых банках, как в детстве. Интересно какие у вас там деревни, тоже с постоянным сладким запахом спелой травы? :)))