пятница, 26 сентября 2008 г.

Afternoon pages

How do I see the future of Humanity?

To tell the truth it's not very easy question for me. I don't want to believe that machines are going to lead in our lives. Also I am not very sure that there is going to be the robot industry in the world.
Of course, people creat more and more technical stuff to help them to do some dirty work. We are lazy, but I want to be optimistic. In future, we will remember about the Earth, it's nature and start to care about it. We will stop using electricity, will take water from cells and will close all fabrics.
Anyway, I can dream.=)

четверг, 18 сентября 2008 г.

Sacred writing.

The need of the forthcoming flight scared me to death.

I can't say that I'm very brave person. I just think that to be afraid of something is stupid. This words are taken from the well-known film "Knocking on the Heaven's door".
That day there was no imagination of a plane crash in my mind. Everything was simple: I didn't want to leave New Zealand and come back home. I knew that this country was for me and loved it so much. I was afraid of being misery and missing this "dream'. But I had to go...
That's why the need of the forthcoming flight scared me to death.

понедельник, 8 сентября 2008 г.

Sacred writing.

There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.

The wind was so cold, the rain was so strong that we couldn't just look outside.Everybody was afraid of this awful weather could be harmful even when we were at home. There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.But Julie was ill, she was lying in her bed, waiting for some help, dreaming about a cup of hot tea with honey or milk or a piece of lemon.
John stood up, he looked very serious, took an umberella and went out. We knew, he was in love with her.